The image of the Mosaic is the illustration of how we, as a church, see our place in the story of the Kingdom of God. Inwardly, we recognize that the Church is the body of Christ, representing Him in the diversity of who we are, yet united in Him (1 Corinthians 12:12-27), by being called to love one another (John 13:34), and built up together in Christ (Ephesians 2:19-22).
Outwardly, we see God’s hand continuously working to build His Kingdom, founded in Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 3:11) by placing more of Him into places – societies, cultures and lives – which have been estranged from God. We see God forming a mosaic of His story in human history, and we as a church to be His mosaic pieces, being placed into – and thereby transforming – the world (John 20:21).
Secondly, the vision of Mosaic is to be open especially to the opportunities in partnering and working with other organizations or churches, to accomplish the work of God that TKPC Mosaic alone cannot accomplish. We as a church acknowledge that it is not only limited in people and resources, but in the discernment and awareness of what God is doing in the world, and in the places – cultures, people-groups, etc. – that it can reach. Thus, just as different pieces of the Mosaic coming together, TKPC Mosaic will consistency train (for such partnership is difficult to practice), practice, and engage in opening its hands to others to work together in Christ.
Lastly, just as the Mosaic pieces need to go to blank spaces where no other piece has been placed before, we, as a church will constantly seek places in which the witness of the Gospel, and the church has been conspicuously absent. We, as a church, also will consciously engage and partner with groups beyond those normally associated with “Korean-Canadian.” Because we acknowledge our blindspots from our cultural backgrounds, we will be open to partner and work with individuals, groups, and organizations that confess Jesus as Lord, which are different from our own.
We, as a church, will consciously and actively strive to be a church in which inwardly, everyone, regardless of who they are, will belong in its fellowship, and outwardly, will call out to the world as a place in which those who have never been given a place, can belong. It will be a church that will continuously strive to embrace diversity, by being united in one thing that matters; that Christ Jesus has saved us by grace alone, and He calls us to love.
We, as a church, will consciously and actively build a church in which people of different backgrounds, cultures, ages, and views, will gather in fellowship in the united purpose of following Jesus Christ. We, as a church, will strive to be a church, which will work with the diversity of individuals, organizations, and churches, being united as one in Jesus.
We, as a church, also acknowledge that we have often failed – and likely will again in the future – in this calling, and with repentance, continue to hope in God, who in His faithfulness, will accomplish what He has begun in us (Philippians 1:5-6).
We, as a church, are committed in growing, in faith and character, in Christ. Our particular vision is to grow together. We, as a church, will strive to consciously and deliberately call diverse individuals, from different age groups, cultures, and views, to come together, fellowship together, and learn together.
Mosaic will be committed in learning the scriptures, and wrestling with the current world with what God has been teaching us. It will be committed to prayer, particularly to pray about what God is doing in the world, and praying specifically and individually for our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ.
Regarding learning, and praying, our particularly vision as a church is as follows. In learning and growing we will consciously strive to be authentic, honest, faithful, and vulnerable, with each other. We will not hide our fears or faults, or bury our questions or difficulties, but in openness and humility to each other, seek together, learn together, and pray together, in faith that God will not let our journey together as a church end in futility.
With this openness founded on faith, we, as a church will be committed in growing together as a group with our peers, and mentoring our younger generation.
We, as a church, are committed in transforming the world. Inwardly, it seeks to demonstrate more and more what it is to be a family of God, to the world in the things that we do. Outwardly, it will seek to reach out to the world in diverse ways, and represent Jesus Christ.
In particular, the vision of Mosaic is to acknowledge the diverse ways in which God may have called its members and groups to the world. We as a church will actively encourage its members to take the initiative, be creative, in presenting the Gospel, and living out the love of Christ in many different places and settings. It will consciously seek to be open to new opportunities and callings. As a church, however, it will also strive consistently to be a place in which its members can gather together, and discuss and discern God’s calling together, as a community, and moreover, discern what it can do as a community.